Terms of Use

Beach & Life Resort

Terms of Use

Notice regarding the data contained in this website.

The user is authorized to use the data on this site, provided that:

(1) the copyright notice appears in all copies and that the source is fully acknowledged
(2) use of the documentation is for informational and non-commercial use or for personal use and that the data is not copied or distributed on the web or via another communication channel without stating its legitimate source.
(3) no modifications are made to any part of the documentation. Use for any other purpose is prohibited by law, and may lead to serious civil and criminal sanctions. Offenders will be prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

The above-mentioned data does not include the structure, the layout or individual graphic elements of the Lido Beach&Life Resort website. Every item found on the Lido Beach&Life Resort website, whose copyright is owned by Muse Comunicazione and is protected by commercial agreements, by laws and by regulation governing trademarks and unfair competition and by other laws, may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic element, sound or image pertaining to the Lido Beach&Life Resort website may be copied or retransmitted without the authorization issued by Muse Comunicazione.

Muse Comunicazione does not explicitly refer to the adequacy of the information contained in the data and graphics on this site. The data and the graphics are offered without warranty of any kind, including merchantability and appropriateness for specific purposes and the non violation of the rights of others.

Muse Comunicazione shall not be liable for any indirect damage or any other damage whatsoever resulting from loss of data or profit, whether they are a consequence resulting from the performance of services or whether they are in any way connected with the use of the information available on this site.
The data content and graphics on this site may include technical inadequacies or typographical errors.
The data content and graphics on this site are subject to changes, improvements and additions at regular intervals.

Copyright © 2014 Muse Comunicazione, Via Milano, 10/Scala B – 10122 Torino (TO) – All rights reserved.

Trademarks of products and companies mentioned on this site may be the trademarks of their respective owners. All rights not expressly granted in this document are considered as being reserved.

If you have any questions or problems, please send an e-mail to: info[at]musecomunicazione.it